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Endodontic therapy is any dental-related treatment that deals with the tooth pulp. Here’s a helpful way to think about dental therapy and endodontic therapy: while dental work involves the tooth’s hard outer surface (enamel) and related issues, endodontic procedures are concerned with the soft tissue inside the tooth (the pulp).
Dental endodontics requires a skillful hand, superior knowledge, and a proactive approach to eliminating patient discomfort. Endodontic procedures are handled by our professional staff, regarded as some of the most accomplished endodontic specialists in the region.

The Procedure for endodontics is:
  • Dry teeth.
  • Instruct patient to signal when they feel a ‘tingling sensation’.
  • Place a conducting medium.
  • Complete circuit with lip hook or patient holding end of probe.
  • Slowly increase current on unit until patient gives signal.
  • Compare with the contralateral tooth and adjacent teeth.
  • Record reading of lowest current, which elicits a response.

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    One of the most popular cavity treatments is a filling. This simple procedure involves removing the damaged tooth area (in this case, enamel and the inner tooth affected by a cavity), cleaning out the infected area, and applying a filling material.

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    Teeth whitening is one of the quickest ways to improve your smile. Many patients are amazed that one trip to smilestudioboston can change their teeth dramatically.

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